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Automatically block submissions if they violate eligibility rules
Automatically block submissions if they violate eligibility rules

Prevent a user from submitting based on conditional logic

Zack Schwartz avatar
Written by Zack Schwartz
Updated over 7 months ago

OpenWater provides a robust feature that will prevent submission or automatically disapprove submissions if the applicant answered the questions on the form in a certain way.

Here are a couple examples:

  • Applicant answers "Male" to a question that requests their gender when the program is limited to only female applicants.

  • Applicant is a non-member but is nominating an individual in a category that requires the nominator to be a member.

  • You ask the applicant if they have previously won this award and they answer "Yes" when you are only allowed to win the award once.

Those are just a few examples, but your eligibility rules are likely different. Without this feature, you may need an administrator to manually look over these submissions and approve or disapprove. However, you can now save your admins time by preventing these submissions in the first place.

We created a simple example to demonstrate. If the applicant answers with Red or Blue to the question "What is your favorite color?", they will receive an error message.

To setup Submission Eligibility Rules, first navigate to your program.

Under the Round Settings drop down menu, click Submission Eligibility Rules.

Available Block Options

On the next screen, you will see a few block options.

Block Ineligible Submissions

If this option is chosen, this will prevent the applicant from submitting at all and will receive the notification pop up as shown in the above animation. An additional option is available to Check Eligibility on Save and Next in Addition to Save and Finalize. This means if your submission form has multiple pages, it will notify the user as soon as they save and go to the next page if they violate eligibility versus waiting until they try and finalize their submission at the end.

Allow All Submissions, but Automatically Disapprove Ineligible Ones.
This will let the applicant submit but will automatically convert their submission to disapproved status so that it cannot be reviewed by the judges.

Click Save when ready.

Add Eligibility Rule

Tab over to the Eligibility Rules and click Add New Eligibility Rule.

Name the rule, and choose whether this rule is triggered if the conditions are met or if the conditions are not met. Most will choose the first option -- Conditions are Met. Then add a message to show the applicant if this rule is triggered. Click Save and Set Conditions.

Create your conditions for when this eligibility rule will be triggered. Learn more about how our conditions builder works.

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