Disapproving submissions is typically used in conjunction with our pending approval feature. If you need to prevent a submission from being judged or simply remove it from the judging entirely, you can mark the submission as disapproved.
There are two approaches to marking a submission as disapproved. The first is one at a time while viewing the submission and the other is in bulk. Both approaches require that you first view the list of your pending review or completed submissions.
One at a time
Select the submission that you want to disapprove.
Tab over to Status and change the status to Disapproved. Enter an optional Disapprove Reason. You can save the submission at this point, or you can save it and choose to email the applicant that their submission was disapproved.
Disapprove in Bulk
On the submissions list view, check the boxes on the submissions you want to disapprove and then click Bulk Actions and select Mark as Disapproved.
Using Disapprove to Prevent Judging in Multi-Round Programs
If your submission form has judging only rounds, you will not be able to disapprove a submission in that round. Submissions may only be disapproved in submissions + judging rounds.
Marking a submission as disapproved in a submissions + judging round of a multi-round program:
Will unassign that submission from judges in the same round where it is disapproved
Will not unassign that submission from judges in future judging-only rounds
If you mark a submission as disapproved in a multi-round program with judging-only rounds (inside which a submission has been assigned to a judge before it is disapproved) remember that you will have to manually un-assign the submission from the judges in that round. You can also un-forward the submission from the round as a way of preventing it from being judged in that round.
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