The number of programs that are still accepting checks for submissions is declining every year, but for some customers it is still very important to do so.
To configure OpenWater to accept checks as a payment option, first click System Settings on the left side navigation and then click Payment Configuration.
Select the payment configuration that you want to edit and accept checks for.
Check the box for Allow payment by Check and then enter instructions on where to mail the check to and who to make the check out to. These instructions will be displayed to the applicant if they choose this option. If an applicant pays via check, this will generate an unpaid invoice. You can mark the invoice as paid when you receive the check in the mail.
Bank Transfer or Other Options
This payment configuration is useful for other payment methods as well - for example Bank Transfer. You can change the phrase "Check" to something else by adjusting your system phrases. Change "Check" to "Bank Transfer" or any other phrase you wish.