By default, applicants do not have access to what the judges scored and commented on their submissions. However, you can change this with the flip of a setting.
To allow applicants to see scores and comments from their judges, as well as their winner status, first navigate to your program.
Under the Round Settings drop down menu, click Advanced.
Judge Score Visibility
Configure the judge score visibility. You can anonymize the scores and comments or choose to show the judges' names. You can also choose whether to show both the scores and comments, or just one of them. Alternatively, you can choose to show only certain scores to applicants, by choosing one of the last three options in the list below.
When selecting Render from Wysiwyg to Applicants or Render from Template to Applicants, you can use the Round Template to display all the judge scores for the round, or the Judge Score Template to display only selected scores.
On the public view, the applicant can click Complete on the left side navigation and click View Scores on their submission.
Their scores and comments will be accessible on the final Evaluation page.
Winner Visibility
You can also choose to show the applicant if their submissions were winners, and if so, what winner designation they received.
Check off the desired options.
On the public portal, a new item in the left side menu, Results, will become accessible. Winner designations will be visible in the Details column.