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Password protect and/or require login on your Application and Session Galleries
Password protect and/or require login on your Application and Session Galleries

Set a gallery password for you galleries.

Jackson Clarke avatar
Written by Jackson Clarke
Updated over a week ago

Configure your galleries to have the ability to be closed off with a secret phrase / passcode. This allows you to publish the gallery like a website, but not let everyone see it. This feature now goes beyond our login restrictions to have an extra layer of privacy during roll-outs.

To password protect your galleries, first navigate to your program.

Under Round Settings, select Proposal Gallery. The word "Proposal" is set in your phrases and could read Abstract, Submission, Poster or any use any other term.

Require Login

Under the General tab, select Require Users to Login to View Gallery. You can further restrict access by selecting Restrict Access to Logged in Users Based on Conditions.

After saving and refreshing the page you can tab over to User Access Conditions to set conditions on who should or shouldn't be allowed to access the gallery. This condition builder is similar to other condition builders used through the platform.

You can also add a custom message for users who are not eligible to access the platform. This will display when a user does not meet the conditions you set under User Access Conditions.

One common use case is to make a judges-only gallery where each of your judges can review all the submissions (and not just the ones they've been assigned). To do this, add your judges and give each at least one assignment. Then use the following user access conditions

Require Passphrase

Regardless if Require Login is enabled or configured you can still require passcodes/phrases on your galleries.

Under the General tab, select Ask for a Passphrase in Order to Access the Gallery.

Gallery Passphrase will appear, enter your passphrase and then click save.

When accessing the Gallery URL all visitors (logged in or not) will be required to enter the passphrase to view the gallery.

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