If you are using OpenWater to assemble a ballot or collect light survey style responses, the tabulation features may be helpful in viewing the data as an alternative to excel output
In Advanced Report Settings, Enable Survey / Tabulation Export
2. By default, all drop down, radio, and checkbox fields will appear. However you can click Manage to change the configuration.
Sort Order
Default as set in Manage Defaults
Order it Appears in Form: This is the order in which the choices appear in the OpenWater form configuration
Most to Least Frequent: The item with the most number of times being selected appears first
Lead to Most Frequent: The item with the fewest number of times being selected appears first
Chart Style
Action: Hide fields you do not wish to show
3. Manage Defaults
Set the Default Sort order or Default Chart Mode
Show as Other if Less Than %: This is useful to consolidate items that get a small number of selections. In the chart above, if we set it to show Other for items with less than 9%, we will see this:
4. Show / Hide Fields
If you hide a field and wish to show it later, this setting can be used to display it again. This is also useful if you add fields later on, after first creating the report. Those fields are not shown automatically.
After enabling Tabulation mode additional options will appear in the General tab
CSV / Excel Output
Shows the Field Name, the Option Value Selected, # of Times out of Total and the % of Total
HTML / Chart
This provides developer friendly version of both the Excel and Charts output, to include the field name, option name, number of times selected, and a URL to generate a chart.
This data is also available via our /v2/Export/Reports/{reportId}/ApplicationSurveyTabulationReport api endpoint