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Override the default system settings on a per program basis
Override the default system settings on a per program basis

Override default credit card processor, phrases, invoice template, and some system emails for a specific program.

Zack Schwartz avatar
Written by Zack Schwartz
Updated over 3 years ago

You may have configured some default system settings under System Settings in the left side navigation. However, some programs require their own specific settings. For example, you may have three programs, and two use one credit card processor settings, but the third may use a different one. Or the invoice email and invoice template need their own branding for one program vs. another.

To override these default system settings, first navigate to your program.

Under the Program Settings drop down menu, click General Information.

Scroll down on the next screen to view the available options to override. Options available include overriding the payment configuration, system emails, phrases, and the invoice PDF template. To swap choose a different payment setting, uncheck Use Default and choose the configuration from the drop down menu. For the other settings, click Use Custom and then click configure to make the necessary modifications.

Payment Configuration

The most common reason you may need to override the payment configuration is if you wish to use different payment codes per program. For example, if you run both the The Excellence Awards and the Supplier of the Year Awards, your finance team may want to track which money is coming in for which program, even if you are using the same payment processor.

In this scenario, you would setup two payment configurations. The settings would be the same except for the Payment Coding field. Then, back here in these General Settings, override the payment configuration for the program and choose the corresponding payment configuration.

Email Configuration

For customers who want to setup a unique invoice email for each program, overriding the email configuration on a per-program basis is the best way to achieve that. We also support the overriding of many other system emails.
For a detailed breakdown of each email, see this article:
​OpenWater System Generated Email Overview
Here are the available options:

System Phrases Configuration

If you run multiple programs, such as awards, grants, scholarships, and fellowships -- the phrasing for one might be slightly different than the phrasing for another. We support the setup of system phrases here, but you can override on a per-program basis if need be. There are some limitations to this feature. For example, on the public website portal, since it is generic, it will fall back to using the system defaults instead of the program-specific language.

Invoice Configuration

Similar to how you can override the invoice email on a per-program basis, you can do the same for the Invoice Template. In the available options, choose Use Custom for Invoice Configuration to override the invoice template for the specific program.

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