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Create a basic submission fee

Create a simple price rule with early bird and late fees

Zack Schwartz avatar
Written by Zack Schwartz
Updated over a week ago

OpenWater provides a robust and comprehensive tool for complex submission fees. However, most customers have simple fees, such as "charge $60 per submission" along with an early bird discount or a late fee. In this article we will setup a $60 base fee with a $10 early deadline discount and a $20 late deadline fee.

To configure your submission fees, first navigate to your program.

Under the Round Settings drop down menu, click Submission Fees.

Click Add Price Rule.

We are going to setup our base fee of $60 first. Let's name this price rule Base Fee and choose Charge from the drop down menu and then type 60 for the amount.

A conditions page will appear. Since we want this fee to be applied in all cases, we will simply return to our list of submission fees.

We are now successfully charging $60 per submission.

Early Bird Discount

Perhaps you want to give $10 off per submission if the applicant submits by a certain deadline. Let's add this rule by clicking Add Price Rule again. This time, let's name the rule Early Bird Discount and choose Discount from the drop down menu. Enter 10 for the amount.

This time we add a condition since we only want this rule applied if the applicant submits by a certain deadline. Click Add Condition under the [all] section.

The conditions we will choose is the following:

The above rule states that it will apply the discount only if the submission is finalized prior to April 30th, 2018 at 11:00 AM.

Click Save and return to your list of submission fees.

Late Deadline Fee

On the contrary, you may have a late deadline fee. Click Add Price Rule again and this time name the rule Late Fee. Choose Charge for the type and enter 20 into the amount field.

Add a condition in the [all] section by clicking Add Condition.

Now we set our condition as the following:

The above condition states that the price rule will apply if the submission is finalized after August 1st, 2018 at 11:59 PM.

Click Save and return to the list of fees.

This is how our submission fees are finally configured.

It is important to know that multiple price rules can be applied to a submission simultaneously. We took advantage of this fact by having a Base Fee that applies to every submission no matter what. Then we have additional price rules that may subtract from that amount or add on to that amount depending on when the submission is finalized.

You can combine these price rules to create more complex pricing to meet your requirements if needed.

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