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Run a report and export submission data to excel

Run a report on submissions to CSV or Excel

Zack Schwartz avatar
Written by Zack Schwartz
Updated over a week ago

Running reports on submission data is one of the most common actions that program administrators perform. OpenWater provides some canned reports, but you can create your own custom reports as well.

To run a submission report, first navigate to your program.

Under the Submissions drop down menu, click Reports.

Run a Canned Report

By default, we have some canned reports ready to go for you. Most common is the Completed Submissions report. To run this report, click Select.

Click View List to view a quick list of the submissions in this report. To Export to Excel, click Excel.

If you have many submissions, the report may take some time to run.

Choose Columns to Export

The report will typically export all data from the submission form, user profiles, results, and other system data. If you only want to export certain columns / data to the excel file, click Advanced tab. Check the desired boxes and click Manage to choose which fields will be exported and click Save.

Create a Custom Report

You can create your own custom reports at any time by clicking Add Report.

Give your report a name. In our example, we will create a report that only outputs completed submissions in a car category.

We set our conditions so that Submission Status is Complete and Application Name contains "cat".

You can create any report you like by mixing and matching conditions in the [all] and [any] section. Learn more about the OpenWater condition builder which is used throughout the system.

Specify Sort Order

Much like the conditions builder you can also choose how the data should be sorted.  You can add as many levels of sorting that are needed.  OpenWater will sort in order of your selections.

You can specify Ascending (A-Z) or Descending (Z-A) sort order and drag and drop the levels within the configuration table.

Updated Custom Report Engine

You can easily customize the data exported in your submission report. To do this, go to Submissions > Reports to view your reports.

Next select the desired report:

By default, the report is set to return all data available within a submission report. To customize the output, click Change

You will be redirected to the CSV/XLS Reports tab. Here select Subset of Fields and click Configure Fields

Here you can customize your report data by:

1) Data from System data, User Profile, or Submission Form

2) The Round (If your program has multiple rounds, you can select the current round or the previous rounds)

3) The form page (If your program utilizes multiple pages, you can select the page that contains the form field)

4) The right will allow you to add the selected fields to your report while the left will allow you to remove a field from your report

5) Order your report columns with the up and down arrows.

To add the fields to your report, you can select individual fields by clicking the field name, or select multiple fields by holding down the Shift key while selecting the fields. When the desired fields are selected, click the right arrow in the middle of the page to add them to your report.

Once you have added the desired fields and ordered your columns as required, click save to return to the CSV/XLS Exports tab. You will see a list of all selected fields for easy review.

As always, you can set conditions and select your sort order for your report. Returning to the General tab, you can now export your report to CSV or Excel. You will notice that the CSV/Excel Export is now set to Subset of Fields.

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