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What is single single sign on (SSO)?

Single sign on allows your users to login to OpenWater with the same credentials they use to login to your own website

Zack Schwartz avatar
Written by Zack Schwartz
Updated over a week ago

Most organizations we work with have their own website and membership database where their members can login, pay dues, etc. Popular membership databases that we work with include iMIS, Avectra, Timberlake, MemberClicks, YourMembership, MemberSuite, and Wild Apricot, among others.

What is single sign on (SSO)?

Single sign on allows your users to login to OpenWater with the same credentials they use to login to your own website.

Why would I want to use SSO?

SSO is primarily a convenience for your applicants and judges so that they do not need to create a separate account to use the OpenWater platform. In addition to this convenience, it provides other benefits as well.

  • SSO can pass through your user's contact details upon login so that they do not have to retype their demographic details onto the submission form.

  • SSO includes a user ID from your membership system so that you can export the data and link the submissions in OpenWater back to your membership system.

  • Automatically setup pricing for members and non-members or have different pricing for the various membership levels you offer.

  • Restrict the OpenWater platform to members only access

If I want to enable SSO, what are the next steps?

Single sign on comes with an additional fee. Talk to your support representative if you are interested in learning more about costs associated with SSO.

There are three approaches to enabling SSO.

  • Use one of OpenWater's canned integrations. This is the fastest and easiest but comes with some limitations.

  • OpenWater developers can build a custom SSO integration for you.

  • OpenWater developers can coach your IT and developers on how to build an SSO integration.

You can speak with one of our developers to learn which option is best for you.

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