Under System Settings > Login Configuration there is a new option called "Allow Login through Magic Link"
When this is enabled, users will be able to enter their email address. They will then receive an expiring link to complete their login.
This feature is helpful when users seldom login to the system (e.g. a judge) and may not know their password. With the "External System Mode" you can also combine this with your AMS or CRM to allow users who have never logged in before to log in with their email.
Magic Link Expires After: This is how many hours the link will work for once it is generated
You can paste a google sheet as long as the google sheet is cloned from this one AND you have set the google sheet to ALLOW ANYONE TO VIEW THIS SHEET
Magic Link External System Mode: See this article for developer configuration, you can use this setting to allow instant provisioning of user accounts for people who have never logged in
After Magic Link has been turned on you will see a few new options.
Look and Feel
Go to Public Website > System Content > Magic Link
Here you can upload a login page banner and update the default instructions and content.
By default, users who have trouble will be able to submit an email via the system, however you can override the help page with your own:
User Emails
The magic link tool generates 2 kinds of emails. To modify them go to System Settings > System Emails
Email with Authorization Link: This is the actual magic link email a user should click to access the site
Magic Link Help Request: This is the email that will go to the help desk with the user who is having trouble
Magic Link Generator Tool
Go to Applicants > Generate Magic Link, this will allow you to generate a magic link for any user who has logged in already; or anyone who exists in an external system if this setting was configued.