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Submission Form: Charity Check
Zack Schwartz avatar
Written by Zack Schwartz
Updated over a week ago

Validate a charity in the submission form by utilizing the Charity Check form field. To utilize Charity Check, please contact your Support Representative to active the feature on your instance. This feature is at no cost for programs that do not exceed 1000 submissions. If a single program exceeds this number, fees may apply.

Once the feature is activated, you can add this field in your submission form by choosing Charity Check from the left side panel of the form builder.

Complete the field label and the field details as required.

Once you have finished with your form edits, save and access your submission form.

Here applicants can validate the charity by inputting its EIN and clicking Validate

If the EIN is not valid, an error message will be displayed:

Otherwise, information about the charity is displayed:

Set Eligibility Rules for your Charity Check Field

Ensure the submission form contains a valid Charity EIN by setting an eligibility rule to block submissions that include an invalid charity EIN, or the field is left blank.

In your eligibility rules:

set the following condition:

Once set, if the submission violates this rule, the applicant is blocked, and a custom message is displayed to them.

Empty field:

Invalid EIN:

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