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Stripe with 3D Secure

Reduce fraud and meet regulatory requirements.

Jackson Clarke avatar
Written by Jackson Clarke
Updated over a week ago

The Strong Customer Authentication regulation in Europe requires the use of 3D Secure for card payments. 3D Secure is optional in other regions but can still be used as a tool to reduce fraud.

Customers not using Stripe will have to switch to Stripe to enable 3D Secure.

Stripe supports 3D Secure. Our default Stipe integration supports 3D Secure. Payments that have been successfully authenticated using 3D Secure are covered by a liability shift. Should a 3D Secure payment be disputed as fraudulent by the cardholder, the liability shifts from you to the card issuer. These types of disputes are handled internally, do not appear in the Dashboard, and do not result in funds being withdrawn from your Stripe account.

Should a customer dispute a payment for any other reason then the standard dispute process applies. As such, you should make the appropriate decisions regarding your business and how you manage disputes, if they occur, and how to avoid them completely.

Liability shift can also occur when 3D Secure is required by the card network, but 3D Secure isn’t available for the card or issuer. This can happen if the issuer’s 3D Secure server is down or if the issuer does not support 3D Secure, despite the card network requiring 3D Secure support. During the payment process, the cardholder isn’t prompted to complete 3D Secure authentication, since the card is not enrolled. Although the cardholder did not complete 3D Secure authentication, liability still shifts to the issuer.

Learn more about 3D Secure using Stripe here.

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