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Communication Between Judge and Applicant

How Submitters and Reviewers can Exchange Back and Forth Feedback

Kenzie Clarke avatar
Written by Kenzie Clarke
Updated over a week ago

If your program requires communication between Applicants and Judges, you can utilize automated emails to email the applicant once their application has been scored and email the judge if an application they’re assigned to is updated.

To configure this, you will need to allow applicants to edit their submissions in complete status. There are 3 different options, that can be found here, but for this example, we will use “Allow Submissions in Complete Status to be Re-Opened for Editing by Applicant”

Navigate to Round Settings > Advanced

Then check the box beside Allow Submissions in Complete Status to be Re-Opened for Editing by Applicant and click Save

Next, we can configure the 2 emails.

Navigate to Program Settings > General Information

Scroll down to Email Configuration and select Use Custom. You can then select Configure to view the configurable emails.

First, enable Application has been Scored by Judge

Note: This email, by default, will only email a list of the text scores.

Then return to the list of emails and enable Submission was Updated by Submitter

In the “Override To Address”, select Insert Variable and select {AssignedJudgeEmails}

Scroll down to “Message” and change {AdminUrlToSubmission} to {JudgeUrlToApplicationJudgeScorecard}

You can further customize both automated emails to match your program, then you’re ready to go!

When the judge reviews their assignments, it will notify the applicants of the judge’s notes. If the applicant decides to make any updates, it will then notify the judge(s) and send a link to review the application.

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