Thrive Submissions and Review is a version of OpenWater sold by Higher Logic.
What is included in Thrive Submission and Review
Unlimited Programs
Integrations Hub with 50 API calls per second
Pre-integrated with Higher Logic
What is Higher Logic
Higher Logic is an Online Community like Linked In, used by many of our association customers to have a private forum
They call their community “Thrive”
Thrive integrates with the AMS (iMIS, Salesforce,etc), and OpenWater integrates with Thrive. This means we effectively integrate with the AMS via Thrive
How to Get Started with the Integration
These steps are all performed behind the scenes by Higher Logic and OpenWater staff. They are listed here for reference.
OpenWater creates a SSO in Integrations Hub connection and provides the "process" url to Higher Logic
Higher Logic completes the OIDC installation for a web application
Choose Advanced Setup
Choose Web Application
Use the redirect URL provided by OpenWater as the "process" url
For roles use email, profile, openid
No need for refresh token
Provide the client id / client secret back to OpenWater
Higher Logic creates an "External Activity Type" with the key as ThriveSubmission
Higher Logic creates an IAM Key / IAM Password to pass back to OpenWater
Higher Logic should pass the base URL of the organization such as connect.your-association.org
OpenWater can now configure the SSO, for the login URL use the https://{baseUrl}/higherlogic/external/oauth/connect/authorize
The rest of the credentials can be entered
Save and publish the connector, and ask the Higher Logic representative to test SSO (remember to complete the OpenWater SSO settings)
Adding Pushback Connectors
Add a pushback as normal and choose Higher Logic
The default Activity Type is ThriveSubmission, this is auto-configured in the online community, if a custom activity type is used, use "Other" and input the key
The field mapping is automatic, however the OpenWater mapping can be overridden field by field, Higher Logic has a limit of 3 text fields, 3 number fields and 3 date fields per OpenWater application
Using OpenWater Data in Higher Logic
OpenWater will provide support for pushing data back to Higher Logic Online Communities. Contact Higher Logic to make best use of this information.
Some examples: