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API and Developer Documentation
Learn about single sign on, available integrations, and the OpenWater API.
Customize page layouts with conditional logic using the Handlebars Template engine
Verify user accounts with an external source when using the `Magic Link` login method
Mark user profile fields populated through SSO as `read only`
What is single single sign on (SSO)?
Enable single sign on (SSO)
Build a single sign on (SSO) to OpenWater
Connect an SSO with ACGI using OAuth and Integrations Hub
OpenWater Cookie Policy
Media, data storage, API calls, and other limits
View log of successful and failed single sign on (SSO) attempts
Add Google Analytics to your portal
Setup a custom domain
Add a new program via CSV template
Quickly generate test submissions with sample data
Transfer Abstracts Data to a Mobile Events App
WCAG Compliance Options